What we do

Smart Buying

Divide and conquer your market

Lets face it, unless an Advertising Agency really understands your business, your competition, your target customers, their perceptions and what they read, listen to and view … how can they possibly hope to maximise your advertising effectiveness?

So at MBS that's where we start. Really getting to know your situation and your markets. We ask intelligent question, taking nothing for granted, and we do the research. Then we start building an advertising strategy and develop an advertising plan that will work for you. We need to know who your customer is, what they do, what they like, what they don't like and what inspires them to buy your goods or services.

We effectively become part of your marketing team and in some instances we are your marketing team.

Selecting the right creative to maximise the impact of your message is an art form. With our in depth knowledge of some of the most innovative independent creative people available, we select the best one to suit and understand your specific needs. We're happy to show you some of the creative excellence which has played a vital role in the success of our clients campaigns. You'll be impressed. and, of course, selecting the correct media paltform for the best reach and frequency.... That's our unique speciality.

Different from most Advertising Agencies … But it works!

Multiply your media effectiveness

Over the years we've lived the reality, that media effectiveness isn't necessarily about out-spending your competition … it's about out-thinking them. This means thinking outside the square. You see at MBS we don't go for the easy options. We base our media recommendations to you on analysis, experience … and a high degree of lateral thinking.

When it comes to media planning and buying, MBS really stands out from the crowd. In terms of getting more for your media dollar. MBS just won't be beaten.

At MBS you will find Media Buying that will give you more reach and frequency for your dollar … and that's not just a vague claim.

We can demonstrate quite specifically, what the MBS multiplier can mean to your business.

Add to your resource

You're busy, you've got lots on your plate and multiple requests on your time and energy. We know this because all out clients face the same demands. So it makes sense to add to your resource by teaming up with MBS an Advertising Agency that can really help.

How many calls have you, as CEO Manager or Marketing Manager received from media representative offering you that special deal, especially for you!!

At MBS we take that hassle away by evaluating each offer at no cost.

We have the experience and systems to manage the entire advertising process for you. From strategy to planning, creative development to execution, negotiation and placement to post campaign analysis. And lets not forget about added value … and that doesn't just mean bonus 'spots', although this can often be a very valuable free-of-charge 'extra'. It means we look at every opportunity to get your message through to your target market in the most cost effective way.

We stay 'On the case' for you … 364 days a year.

Subtract the unnecessary

So budgets are tight … great, most of our most successful campaigns have been developed on restricted budgets. You'll find we don't walk away from a challenge quickly.

Because we put most of your Advertising budget where it belongs … in effective, well planned well negotiated media placement, and because we don't have the high overhead recovery required of many Agencies, you can rest assured you'll get the maximum Advertising performance and awareness even when budgets are tight.

So what do you lose with MBS? You'll lose built in overhead recovery charges, unnecessarily high creative fees, and the frustration of wondering whether or not you're spending your Advertising budget in the most cost effective way.

You get what you want … you lose what you don't want.

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